The Pedagogical Framework at Northern Beaches State High School details how we teach. This framework is underpinned by the Dimensions of Teaching and Learning (DoTL) and is also supported by the latest educational research into what makes a difference to our students' learning.
Sharratt and Fullan's (2012) first parameter for improving school and student performance is that we have shared beliefs and an understanding that:
- Each student can achieve high standards, given the right time and the right support.
- Each teacher can teach to high standards, given the right assistance.
- Teachers and administrators need to be able to articulate what they do and why they teach the way they do.
Hattie (2012) confirms that the "biggest effects on student learning occur when teachers understand the impact of their teaching, and when students become their own teachers".
This involves teachers in our school "engaging in serious conversations of what good teaching looks like and how it is achieved" (Barber: p. ix in Sharratt and Fullan 2012) and students becoming "Assessment Literate Learners" who can clearly articulate what they need to know and be able to do in order to succeed. When students know what they are learning, how to successfully demonstrate their learning and how to use feedback to improve and set learning goals they are able to take responsibility for their own learning (NQR Quality Teaching & Learning).
For students to become responsible for their own learning there needs to be a shift in the cognitive load from the teacher to the student. This involves a gradual release of responsibility over the course of the lesson and unit from the teacher giving explicit instruction and modelling (I Do) to guided instruction (We Do), collaborative work (You Do it Together) and finally to independent practice (You Do) (Fisher and Frey: 2008). At Northern Beaches State High School, we use a teaching episode that allows teachers to plan and sequence their lessons to guide the gradual release of responsibility.

To support teachers in implementing our pedagogical framework, the school uses a model of collaborative inquiry and the Instructional Coaching Cycle. This is supported by the Capabilities Team, led by the Teaching and Learning HOD and facilitated by Pedagogical Coaches and Lead Teacher Mentors.