
Vocational Education and Training (VET)


CEO Ms. R Sprott & RTO Manager Ms. Claire Graham 

RTO #30579 

What is VET?

Vocational Education and Training (VET) refers to education and training that focuses on delivering skills and knowledge required for specific industries. It is a learning option for young people in the senior phase of learning. VET courses can lead to Qualifications that are recognised throughout Australia by:

  • Employers; and
  • TAFE colleges or other private trainers

How Do I Study VET?

Students at Northern Beaches State High School can access VET in a number of ways including:

  • through our school being a Registered Training Organisation
  • at TAFE with a strong relationship in the TAFE North ViS Program (Wednesday Enrichment Day)
  • at another Registered Training Organisation
  • through a School-Based Apprenticeship or Traineeship.

Why Study VET?

Northern Beaches State High School provides alternative pathways for students to complement their Senior studies and help in the transition from school to work life. All VET programs at Northern Beaches High School form part of the national framework and can lead to nationally recognised qualifications. If you complete all of the requirements of the VET qualification you are enrolled in, you will receive a nationally recognised certificate, or statement of attainment for those modules that you do successfully complete. Vocational Education and Training (VET) courses develop knowledge and skills for specific workplaces. VET courses can lead to Qualifications that are recognised throughout Australia. Other benefits of participating in VET include (but are not limited to):

  • obtaining practical experience from work
  •  gaining familiarity on how workplaces operate
  • developing employability skills
  • developing and improving interpersonal skills
  • allowing students to explore the potential career path they would like to pursue.

What VET Subjects Does Northern Beaches SHS Offer?

Northern Beaches State High School offers a variety of VET subjects in 2023. The table below indicates the current offerings:    

​​YEAR 11

​YEAR 12

Certificate III in Business

​Certificate llI in Business

Certificate ll in Applied Digital Technology

​Certificate ll in Applied Digital Technology

Certificate ll in Hospitality​

​Certificate ll in Hospitality​

Certificate II in Tourism
Certificate II in Tourism

​Certificate llI in Fi​tness​

​Certificate III in Aviation

Certificate ll in Skills for Work and Vocational Pathways

Wednesday Enrichment Program
Certificate l in Aviat​ion
​​Certificate l in Visual Art
​Certificate l in Horticulture
​Certificate l in Basic Financial Literacy
​Certificate l in Retail Services
​Certificate l in Sport and Recreation
​Certificate I in Active Volunteering​
​Certificate I in Textiles Clothing & Footwear
​Certificate II in Skills for Work and Vocational Pathways
Certificate II in Workplace Skills

N.B. Please Note that Certificate III in Fitness is ​run by external providers through a third-party arrangement. As such, fees may apply.

Where Can I Get More Information on VET?

For more information visit Education Queensland's Vocational Education and Training in schools website for information on VET and the benefits for your students:

What Is a USI?

A Unique Student Identifier (USI) is a reference number made up of numbers and letters. Creating a USI is free. It creates a secure online record of your nationally recognised training that you can access anytime and anywhere, and it's yours for life. Northern Beaches SHS has provided a Step by Step Guide PowerPoint to assist students  to get their USI. 

For information on the unique student identifier, go to the following link. At Northern Beaches State High School all students studying VET must have a USI before the qualification can be awarded. Curriculum time is allocated for this in all VET subjects however, students are encouraged to complete this process at home and return their USI to Mr Hustler (Head of Senior Schooling).

Last reviewed 05 June 2023
Last updated 05 June 2023